How to Monetize Your Invention While Patent is Pending
Learn how to make money from your invention while waiting for a patent. Discover effective monetization strategies during the “patent pending” phase.
Five Key Patent Cases Before the U.S. Supreme Court in 2024: Why They Matter
Patent law is always evolving, and the U.S. Supreme Court is currently considering several cases that could change how patents are handled in the future. These cases touch on important topics like software patents, pharmaceutical regulations, and how patent disputes are decided. If you have a relevant patent matter that you would like to discuss […]
What is included in a patent service?
Learn what a patent service includes, from patent search and application to enforcement and post-grant maintenance, to protect your invention.
Turn Your Idea Into Profit: How to Sell an Invention Idea
Learn how to sell your invention idea, from market research and patent protection to perfecting your pitch and finding the right buyers. Start your journey now!
What is an invention patent?
Navigating the world of what some people call invention patents, which the patent office usually refers to as utility patents, can be daunting – especially for first-time inventors and entrepreneurs. Understanding patent law is the key to protecting your innovative ideas and maintaining a competitive edge. But where do you start? How do you decipher the […]
What do I need to apply for a patent?
Inventing something new is an exciting journey. But how do you protect your invention from being copied or ripped off? That’s where patents can help. They provide legal protection for your invention, ensuring you have exclusive rights to it. However, the patent application process is complex. It involves specific legal documentation and a thorough understanding […]
Design Patent vs. Utility Patent: Which is Right for Your Invention?
Patents are essential tools for inventors, entrepreneurs, and businesses to protect their innovations. However, understanding the types of patents available is crucial. The two most common types are design patents and utility patents. If you are interested in obtaining a patent for your invention, the team at Schell IP is here to help. Read more about […]
Patent Licensing 101
In the world of innovation, patent licensing can play a key role in an intellectual property (IP) strategy. It’s a legal tool that inventors and businesses use to protect and monetize their inventions. But what exactly is patent licensing? It’s a process where a patent owner grants permission to another party to use their invention. […]
5 Reasons Patents are Important for Early Stage Startups
Patents might not be the most thrilling topic for everyone, but they can make a significant difference in the success of a startup. If you run a startup or are an entrepreneur with a novel invention, an intellectual property (IP) strategy should be part of your overall business strategy. As a patent lawyer and someone […]
Understanding “Patent Pending”: What It Means for Your Invention
You’ve seen it on toys, cars, and tools — that phrase printed on the body of a product that says, “patent pending.” It looks really important, but…is it? If you are an inventor or entrepreneur, you may be looking to get this seemingly coveted term for your invention as well. Wondering how to get it? […]